Chagossian Voices staged two online international conferences during lockdown 2020-22, to raise awareness with government departments, MPs and Peers, researchers, policy makers, local government and the press. These conferences were key in getting the voices of Chagossians heard by people with power and influence, and in building networks which have already yielded results. They featured the voices of community members from across the diaspora, as well as representatives of Chagossian community groups.
For full details please click on the link
1) Chagossian Voices Virtual Conference December 5th 2020 >
Our first conference was held in December 2020 and gave voice to a range of community members to an influential audience of Parliamentarians, local and national government officials and researchers
2) Chagossian Voices Virtual Conference “Stronger Together” July 3rd 2021 >
Our second conference widened the audience and participation and was in both Kreol and english. Participating were Mike Kane MP, Henry Smith MP, Chagos Conservation Trust, and community members from the UK, Mauritius and the Seychelles.
3) Report on the IPATC Conference on the Future of the Chagos islands, Johannesburg. October 4th and 5th 2022
In October 2022, 4 members of Chagossian Voices were invited to South Africa by the University of Johannesburg for an important conference on the Future of the Chagos Islands
4) Island Innovation Conference 2021
Louis Elyse spoke at this important conference in 2021