Peros Banhos Lagoon Knolls, Ile du coin_2015_(c) Jon Slayer (featured on Chagossian Voices)

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  • Nationality and Borders Act

    Nationality and Borders Act: UK Citizenship for Chagossians explained Summary The Chagossian amendment to the Nationality and Borders Act will provide a pathway to British Overseas Territories Citizenship and British Citizenship for all people of Chagossian Descent. The application process will start towards the end of 2022. What you will need: Proof of Your Chagossian……

  • Becoming a Charity 2022-3

    Chagossian Voices aims to become a registered Charity during 2022/3 and will need to expand its participating team as well as engage trustees. We would love to hear from you if you’d like to be involved.