Our campaigns have benefited from partnerships and collaborations with a number of non-governmental organisations. We have collaborated with the BOTC Campaign (British Overseas Territories Citizenship Campaign) when campaigning on citizenship issues as well as Amnesty International and PRCBC (British citizenship rights for children). We also work closely with Human Rights Watch. Chagossian Voices members contributed to their substantial 2023 report on Chagos That’s when the nightmare started and we hosted a launch of the report with the Chagossian community in Crawley in February 2023. Human Rights Watch have also supported our campaign for indigenous rights at the UN and have guided us through mechanisms for lobbying in Parliament and at the UN.
The Environment
Chagossian Voices understands that the stewardship of their islands’ environment and vital ecosystems is best achieved through a collaboration between the indigenous people and marine and environmental experts. Chagossian Voices believes in sustainable human habitation which enhances the health and wellbeing of both the Chagossian people and their precious marine environment. We have worked collaboratively with the Blue Marine Foundation and with the Chagos Conservation Trust (CCT). We even have a trustee (Jean-François Nellan) on the board of CCT.
Partnerships with Community Groups
Chagossian Voices doesn’t replace existing groups but works with them to support them and develop synergistic partnerships. Unity is strength. We currently have well established partnerships with:
- Chagossian Women’s Welfare Fund (contact Mylene Augustin mylene1@hotmail.co.uk)
- Manchester Chagos Archipelago Community group (contact Louis Elyse Louisjimmygrick@hotmail.com)
- Chagos Asylum People (Mauritius https://www.facebook.com/chagosasylumpeople)
- Seychelles Group (Pierre Prosper)
- UK Chagos Support Association (ukchagos@gmail.com)
We have also hosted representatives of Chagos Refugees Group, and BIOT Citizens on the platform.